Limpiezas técnicas industriales Cleaning of cooling coils

Cleaning of cooling coils

(Lti) Limpiezas técnicas industriales is responsible for the cleaning of cooling coils, we provide our experience, we have a team of professionals who are responsible for everything is finished on time and in perfect condition for operation.

Presentation of cooling coils

Cleaning of cooling coils

Cooling towers:

Cooling towers are the most widely used cooling equipment in industry. All industrial plants, as well as air conditioning, refrigeration or energy production plants, are characterised by more or less important heat emissions in quantitative terms. This “waste” heat has, except in some cases, a low energy content which does not make its recovery possible or desirable. It must therefore be dissipated externally in some way.

Among the different solutions available for this purpose, in this article we will deal with cooling towers. Today they are recognised as one of the most efficient cooling technologies available on the market.

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Cooling coil

Cooling towers: operation and maintenance

We give you the answers:

What are cooling towers, what are they for and how do they work?
Where and why are they used? Why are they necessary?
What is the definition of ‘cooling tower’ or ‘cooling tower’?
What does ‘evaporative’ mean?
Cooling towers: what are they and where are they useful?
Cooling towers or cooling towers are devices that make optimal use of a natural principle that is as simple as it is effective. We are talking about the forced evaporation of a minimum amount of water. This water, in comparison to the main mass, extracts energy from the non-evaporated water flow (latent heat of evaporation) during the change of state to vapour.

The process by which evaporative cooling occurs is as simple as it is ancient. Ancient terracotta amphorae, a porous material, allowed water to exude outwards in minimal quantities. In this way, a process of evaporation took place. The water inside remained cool even at high ambient temperatures.

Cooling towers use the latent heat of evaporation.

Cooling towers can realise the water/air heat exchange process even better. In cooling towers, the evaporation phenomenon occurs through the use of simple and efficient components. In general, they require minimal maintenance.

To better understand how heat dissipation occurs, it is necessary to understand two concepts:
Sensible heat. The amount of heat energy that is added to or subtracted from a physical element (such as a finned battery) to change its temperature.
Latent heat. This is basically based on the change of state that a substance can undergo as a result of the addition or loss of heat. In the case of water, it can change from a liquid phase to a solid phase (ice), if heat is removed when it reaches the freezing point. It can also change from a liquid to a gas phase (vapour) if heat is added when it reaches the boiling point. Latent heat is then defined as the heat that is introduced or removed to change the state of water. In particular, in evaporative cooling systems, the latent heat of evaporation is defined.
A cooling tower should provide the largest possible contact surface for the water with the air, so that the latent heat exchange is optimal.